​Erosional & Depositional Landforms - ​Aeolian Landforms (Wind Action)

Aeolian is a term pertaining to the wind; hence wind-borne, wind-blown or wind deposited materials are often referred to as Aeolian landforms. Wind, as an effective agent in eroding, can transport loose, unconsolidated fragments of sand and dust.

  • Winds are able to lift and transport rock debris for only short period. Thus, wind is a significant erosion and deposition agent.
  • It is responsible for the formation of great ‘seas of sand’ in Arabia, Sahara, Australia, Namibia, Arizona, Patagonia, Kalahari, Gobi, etc.
  • There is a certain definite pattern to the location of world’s deserts. Almost all the deserts are confined within the 15° to ....
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