Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
- Implemented by the Ministry of MSME through the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
- Aims to assist entrepreneurs in setting up new units in the non-farm sector.
- Goal is to provide self-employment opportunities to traditional artisans, rural and urban unemployed youth.
- Provides Margin Money (MM) subsidy:
- General Category: 25% of project cost in rural areas, 15% in urban areas.
- Special Categories: 35% in rural areas, 25% in urban areas.
- Special Categories include SCs, STs, OBCs, Minorities, Women, Ex-servicemen, Physically Handicapped, Transgenders, beneficiaries from Northeastern Region, Hill and Border areas, Aspirational Districts, etc.
- Maximum project cost: Rs. 50 lakhs (Manufacturing sector), Rs. ....
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