India’s Chemical Sector

India's Global Standing

  • World Exports of Chemicals: India ranks 11th (Excluding pharmaceutical products)
  • World Imports of Chemicals: India ranks 6th (Excluding pharmaceutical products)
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Sector: Chemicals (Excluding fertilizers); Amount: $21.71 Bn (Apr 2000 to Sept 2023)
  • Market Size in 2023: USD 220 Bn
  • Expected Market Size by 2030: USD 383 Bn
  • FDI Allowed under Automatic Route: 100%
  • Global Chemical Sales: India ranks 6th
  • Polymers Consumption: India third largest consumer globally
  • Agrochemicals Production: India fourth largest producer worldwide

Export Trends

  • Contribution to Total Exports: Year 2021-22: Chemicals and Chemical products (excluding pharmaceutical products and fertilizers) contributed 11.7% to total exports. Year 2022-23: Contribution reduced to ....
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