​Kokborok Language

Recently, members of the Twipra Students’ Federation (TSF) were detained for protesting at the Tripura Assembly entrance, demanding the inclusion of the Roman script for Kokborok (a Sino-Tibetan language) in textbooks and official work.

More on Kokborok Language

  • Language and Community: Kokborok is the mother tongue of the Borok people (Tripuris) and tribal communities in Tripura, including Debbarma, Reang, Jamatia, and others.
  • Etymology: "Kok-Borok" combines Kok (language) and Borok (man), meaning "the language of man" or "the language of the Borok people."
  • Script and Writing: Kokborok originally used the Koloma script but now lacks a native script and is written ....
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