'Madhya Pradesh Sickle Cell Mission'

In a recent visit to Madhya Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Madhya Pradesh Sickle Cell (Hemoglobinopathy) Mission’, which aims at spreading awareness among people about genetic disorders including ‘Sickle Cell Anaemia.’

  • Under the mission, genetic counselling cards were handed over to beneficiaries.
  • The initiative aims at screening and managing patients suffering from sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies.

Prevalence of Sickle Cell Anaemia in MP

  • As per a report by the National Health Mission in Madhya Pradesh, the state has the highest burden of sickle cell anaemia in India.
  • An ICMR study done in 2007 found that 10%-33% ....
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