Current Affairs Questions
Quality Council Of India
Quality Council of India
- The appointment of the Quality Council of India (QCI) chairman is made by the PM based on the industry recommendations to the government.
- QCI conducts audits and imposes penalties on businesses found in violation of quality standards.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Trade Policy Forum (TPF)
Consider the following statements:
- On 23rd November, 2021, India and the United States held the 12th Ministerial-level meeting of the India-United States Trade Policy Forum (TPF).
- The Forum was reconvened after a gap of four years to advance the goal to develop an ambitious, shared vision for the future of the trade relationship between the two countries.
- The forum has five focus groups - agriculture, investment, innovation and creativity (intellectual property rights), services, and tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
With respect to Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), consider the following statements:
- It was established in 1975 via the Treaty of Lagos.
- There are 15 Members in the group.
- Recently, it has imposed sanctions on Mali for second military coup.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1,2 and 3
Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
With respect to Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), consider the following statements:
- It was established in 1975 via the Treaty of Lagos.
- There are 15 Members in the group.
- Recently, it has imposed sanctions on Mali for second military coup.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1,2 and 3
UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Consider the following statements:
- UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) recently announced the first Actions officially endorsed as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021-2030 (Ocean Decade).
- The vision of the Ocean Decade is ‘The science we need for the ocean we want’.
- World Oceans Day is observed on 8th June.
Which of the above statements is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1and 3
1,2 and 3
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Consider the following statements regarding the Sustainable Development Report 2021 released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):
- The report includes the SDG Index and Dashboards to track progress on the SDGs.
- Finland tops the 2021 SDG Index, followed by Sweden and Denmark.
- India ranks 125 out of 165 countries.
Which of the above statements is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
1,2 and 3
Group Of Seven (G7)
Consider the following statements about Group of Seven (G7):
- The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- ‘Cornwall Declaration’, aimed at preventing future pandemics was signed during the 47th G7 Leaders summit 2021.
- India, Australia and South Korea were invited to participate in the proceedings of the summit as “guest countries”.
- The G7 does not have a formal constitution or a fixed headquarters and the decisions taken by leaders during annual summits are binding.
- All the G7 countries and India are a part of G20.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
1, 2 and 4
2, 3 and 5
3, 4 and 5
3 and 5
World Trade Organisation
Consider the following statements with reference to the World Trade Organisation(WTO):
- The Uruguay Round, conducted from 1987 to 1994, culminated in the Marrakesh Agreement, which established the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which must meet at least every two years.
- India has been a member of the WTO since January 1995 and also had been a member of the WTO’s forerunner General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since July 1948.
Choose the correct statement(s) from the options given below:
1 and 2
Only 3
2 and 3
1, 2 and 3
Mission Innovation
Consider the following statements with reference to the Mission Innovation:
- Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Commission (on behalf of the European Union) working to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation with the objective to make clean energy widely affordable.
- Mission Innovation has identified 6 Innovation Challenges which are global calls to action aimed at accelerating research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) in technology areas.
Which of the statement(s) is/are correct?
Only 1
Both 1 and 2
Only 2
Neither 1 nor 2
Consider the following pairs with reference to the categories of biofuels:
- First Generation Biodiesel: produced from sugar, starch, vegetable oil
- Second Generation Biofuels: produced from non-food crops
- Third Generation Biofuels: require cultivable/arable land for production
- Fourth Generation Biofuels: crops are genetically engineered to take in high amounts of carbon
Which of the pair(s) is/are correct?
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
1,2 and 4
1, 2, 3 and 4
Quality Council Of India
Quality Council of India
- The appointment of the Quality Council of India (QCI) chairman is made by the PM based on the industry recommendations to the government.
- QCI conducts audits and imposes penalties on businesses found in violation of quality standards.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
A |
1 only
B |
2 only
C |
Both 1 and 2
D |
Neither 1 nor 2
Trade Policy Forum (TPF)
Consider the following statements:
- On 23rd November, 2021, India and the United States held the 12th Ministerial-level meeting of the India-United States Trade Policy Forum (TPF).
- The Forum was reconvened after a gap of four years to advance the goal to develop an ambitious, shared vision for the future of the trade relationship between the two countries.
- The forum has five focus groups - agriculture, investment, innovation and creativity (intellectual property rights), services, and tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
All of the above
Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
With respect to Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), consider the following statements:
- It was established in 1975 via the Treaty of Lagos.
- There are 15 Members in the group.
- Recently, it has imposed sanctions on Mali for second military coup.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A |
1 and 2 only
B |
2 and 3 only
C |
1 and 3 only
D |
1,2 and 3
Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
With respect to Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), consider the following statements:
- It was established in 1975 via the Treaty of Lagos.
- There are 15 Members in the group.
- Recently, it has imposed sanctions on Mali for second military coup.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A |
1 and 2 only
B |
2 and 3 only
C |
1 and 3 only
D |
1,2 and 3
UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Consider the following statements:
- UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) recently announced the first Actions officially endorsed as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021-2030 (Ocean Decade).
- The vision of the Ocean Decade is ‘The science we need for the ocean we want’.
- World Oceans Day is observed on 8th June.
Which of the above statements is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1and 3
D |
1,2 and 3
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Consider the following statements regarding the Sustainable Development Report 2021 released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):
- The report includes the SDG Index and Dashboards to track progress on the SDGs.
- Finland tops the 2021 SDG Index, followed by Sweden and Denmark.
- India ranks 125 out of 165 countries.
Which of the above statements is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
1,2 and 3
Group Of Seven (G7)
Consider the following statements about Group of Seven (G7):
- The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- ‘Cornwall Declaration’, aimed at preventing future pandemics was signed during the 47th G7 Leaders summit 2021.
- India, Australia and South Korea were invited to participate in the proceedings of the summit as “guest countries”.
- The G7 does not have a formal constitution or a fixed headquarters and the decisions taken by leaders during annual summits are binding.
- All the G7 countries and India are a part of G20.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
A |
1, 2 and 4
B |
2, 3 and 5
C |
3, 4 and 5
D |
3 and 5
World Trade Organisation
Consider the following statements with reference to the World Trade Organisation(WTO):
- The Uruguay Round, conducted from 1987 to 1994, culminated in the Marrakesh Agreement, which established the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- The highest authority of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which must meet at least every two years.
- India has been a member of the WTO since January 1995 and also had been a member of the WTO’s forerunner General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since July 1948.
Choose the correct statement(s) from the options given below:
A |
1 and 2
B |
Only 3
C |
2 and 3
D |
1, 2 and 3
Mission Innovation
Consider the following statements with reference to the Mission Innovation:
- Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Commission (on behalf of the European Union) working to reinvigorate and accelerate global clean energy innovation with the objective to make clean energy widely affordable.
- Mission Innovation has identified 6 Innovation Challenges which are global calls to action aimed at accelerating research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) in technology areas.
Which of the statement(s) is/are correct?
A |
Only 1
B |
Both 1 and 2
C |
Only 2
D |
Neither 1 nor 2
Consider the following pairs with reference to the categories of biofuels:
- First Generation Biodiesel: produced from sugar, starch, vegetable oil
- Second Generation Biofuels: produced from non-food crops
- Third Generation Biofuels: require cultivable/arable land for production
- Fourth Generation Biofuels: crops are genetically engineered to take in high amounts of carbon
Which of the pair(s) is/are correct?
A |
1, 2 and 3
B |
2, 3 and 4
C |
1,2 and 4
D |
1, 2, 3 and 4