Current Affairs Questions
European Union (EU)
Consider the following statements:
- Recently, the European Parliament and European Union (EU) Member States have announced that they have reached a political agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA).
- The Act has no provision on ‘Dark Patterns’.
- The Act, which is yet to become law, is a set of common rules on intermediaries’ obligations and accountability across the single market and ensures higher protection to all EU users irrespective of their country.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG)
Consider the following statements:
- On 12th April, 2022, the first meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG) at Secretary level was convened by India’s Foreign Secretary.
- IMCG has been setup as a high-level mechanism towards mainstreaming of India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy.
- Under its 'Neighbourhood First' policy, Government is committed to developing friendly and mutually beneficial relations with all its neighbours.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
100% डिजिटल बस लॉन्च करने वाला भारत का पहला शहर
हाल में कौन सा भारतीय शहर 100% डिजिटल बस लॉन्च करने वाला भारत का पहला शहर बन गया है?
नई दिल्ली
मियामी ओपन 2022 टेनिस टूर्नामेंट
हाल में किसने जापान की नाओमी ओसाका को 6-4, 6-0 से पराजित कर मियामी ओपन 2022 टेनिस टूर्नामेंट का महिला एकल का खिताब अपने नाम किया?
बारबोरा क्रेजीकोवा
पाउला बडोसा
मारिया सकारी
इगा स्विएटेक
Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
Consider the following statements:
- The 1st Edition of the Raisina Dialogue was held in 2018.
- It is India’s premier foreign policy conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community.
- It is Co-hosted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF).
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
'1946 रॉयल इंडियन नेवी म्यूटिनी: लास्ट वॉर ऑफ इंडिपेंडेंस' पुस्तक
'1946 रॉयल इंडियन नेवी म्यूटिनी: लास्ट वॉर ऑफ इंडिपेंडेंस' (1946 Royal Indian Navy Mutiny: Last War of Independence) नामक पुस्तक किसके द्वारा लिखी गई है?
प्रमोद कपूर
जी एन डेवी
श्रयना भट्टाचार्य
रामचन्द्र गुहा
National Panchayati Raj Day
With reference to the National Panchayati Raj Day, consider the following statements:
- It is celebrated every year on the 25th of April.
- The day marks the enactment of the 73rd amendment of the Constitution in 1993, which came into force with effect from 24th April 1993.
- The first National Panchayati Raj Day was celebrated in 2011.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?
Only 1
2 and 3
1 and 3
Only 3
Nidhi Companies
Consider the following statements with reference to the Nidhi Companies:
- Nidhi companies cannot accept Deposit from the public, nor lend to the public, so they are not purely NBFCs, and out of the scope of RBI.
- It cannot carry any business related to chit fund, hire purchase finance, leasing finance, insurance, or acquisition of securities issued by anybody corporate.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Only 1
Both 1 and 2
Only 2
None of the Above
हू ग्लोबल सेंटर
निम्न मे से किसने पारंपरिक दवाओं के लिए गुजरात में हू ग्लोबल सेंटर की आधारशिला रखी?
राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविन्द
पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी
पेट्रोलियम मंत्री हरदीप सिंह पूरी
शिक्षा मंत्री धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान
स्मार्ट सिटीज, स्मार्ट शहरीकरण सम्मेलन
हाल ही मे निम्न मे से किस शहर ने तीन दिवसीय “स्मार्ट सिटीज, स्मार्ट शहरीकरण (Smart Cities, Smart Urbanization)” सम्मेलन की मेजबानी की ?
European Union (EU)
Consider the following statements:
- Recently, the European Parliament and European Union (EU) Member States have announced that they have reached a political agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA).
- The Act has no provision on ‘Dark Patterns’.
- The Act, which is yet to become law, is a set of common rules on intermediaries’ obligations and accountability across the single market and ensures higher protection to all EU users irrespective of their country.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
All of the above
Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG)
Consider the following statements:
- On 12th April, 2022, the first meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG) at Secretary level was convened by India’s Foreign Secretary.
- IMCG has been setup as a high-level mechanism towards mainstreaming of India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy.
- Under its 'Neighbourhood First' policy, Government is committed to developing friendly and mutually beneficial relations with all its neighbours.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
All of the above
100% डिजिटल बस लॉन्च करने वाला भारत का पहला शहर
हाल में कौन सा भारतीय शहर 100% डिजिटल बस लॉन्च करने वाला भारत का पहला शहर बन गया है?
A |
नई दिल्ली
B |
C |
D |
मियामी ओपन 2022 टेनिस टूर्नामेंट
हाल में किसने जापान की नाओमी ओसाका को 6-4, 6-0 से पराजित कर मियामी ओपन 2022 टेनिस टूर्नामेंट का महिला एकल का खिताब अपने नाम किया?
A |
बारबोरा क्रेजीकोवा
B |
पाउला बडोसा
C |
मारिया सकारी
D |
इगा स्विएटेक
Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
Consider the following statements:
- The 1st Edition of the Raisina Dialogue was held in 2018.
- It is India’s premier foreign policy conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community.
- It is Co-hosted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF).
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true?
A |
1 and 2
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
All of the above
'1946 रॉयल इंडियन नेवी म्यूटिनी: लास्ट वॉर ऑफ इंडिपेंडेंस' पुस्तक
'1946 रॉयल इंडियन नेवी म्यूटिनी: लास्ट वॉर ऑफ इंडिपेंडेंस' (1946 Royal Indian Navy Mutiny: Last War of Independence) नामक पुस्तक किसके द्वारा लिखी गई है?
A |
प्रमोद कपूर
B |
जी एन डेवी
C |
श्रयना भट्टाचार्य
D |
रामचन्द्र गुहा
National Panchayati Raj Day
With reference to the National Panchayati Raj Day, consider the following statements:
- It is celebrated every year on the 25th of April.
- The day marks the enactment of the 73rd amendment of the Constitution in 1993, which came into force with effect from 24th April 1993.
- The first National Panchayati Raj Day was celebrated in 2011.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?
A |
Only 1
B |
2 and 3
C |
1 and 3
D |
Only 3
Nidhi Companies
Consider the following statements with reference to the Nidhi Companies:
- Nidhi companies cannot accept Deposit from the public, nor lend to the public, so they are not purely NBFCs, and out of the scope of RBI.
- It cannot carry any business related to chit fund, hire purchase finance, leasing finance, insurance, or acquisition of securities issued by anybody corporate.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A |
Only 1
B |
Both 1 and 2
C |
Only 2
D |
None of the Above
हू ग्लोबल सेंटर
निम्न मे से किसने पारंपरिक दवाओं के लिए गुजरात में हू ग्लोबल सेंटर की आधारशिला रखी?
A |
राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविन्द
B |
पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी
C |
पेट्रोलियम मंत्री हरदीप सिंह पूरी
D |
शिक्षा मंत्री धर्मेन्द्र प्रधान
स्मार्ट सिटीज, स्मार्ट शहरीकरण सम्मेलन
हाल ही मे निम्न मे से किस शहर ने तीन दिवसीय “स्मार्ट सिटीज, स्मार्ट शहरीकरण (Smart Cities, Smart Urbanization)” सम्मेलन की मेजबानी की ?
A |
B |
C |
D |