Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs for UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, NDA, CDS, Bank, Railway, Police and other upcoming Govt. exams. In this section we provide latest & updated Current Affairs in the following categories: Current News, News Crux, Oneliner Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs Quiz , Sports in News, State in News. All these sections’ news are important for Prelims & Mains stages of examinations like UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, Bank, NDA, CDS, Railway, Police, etc. and other similar Central and State govt. exams.

Oneliner Current Affairs

 What is the name of ISRO’s semi-cryogenic engine under development?  -- SE2000 Semi-Cryogenic Engine
 Which national park was declared India’s 58th Tiger Reserve?  -- Madhav National Park
 Which country did India defeat to win the Champions Trophy 2025?  -- New Zealand
 What is the name of the India-Kyrgyzstan Joint Military Exercise?  -- Exercise KHANJAR
 Who won the leadership of Canada’s ruling Liberal Party in 2025?  -- Mark Carney