Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs for UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, NDA, CDS, Bank, Railway, Police and other upcoming Govt. exams. In this section we provide latest & updated Current Affairs in the following categories: Current News, News Crux, Oneliner Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs Quiz , Sports in News, State in News. All these sections’ news are important for Prelims & Mains stages of examinations like UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, Bank, NDA, CDS, Railway, Police, etc. and other similar Central and State govt. exams.

Oneliner Current Affairs

 What does ctDNA stand for on which recent research has been published? -- Circulating tumour DNA
 Which country signed MoUs with India on sports and urban development?  -- Spain
 Which country is barred from AI chip exports under US rules?  -- China
 Which team won the 2025 Spanish Super Cup?  -- Barcelona
 What is the name of the weather initiative PM Modi will launch?  -- Mission Mausam
 Which body did India recently join to enhance its role in big data for development? -- UN Committee of Experts on Big Data and Data Science
 Who is co-producing the U.S. sonobuoys with India? -- Bharat Dynamics Limited
 Which country's government recently extended the visa exemption for Indian nationals? -- Malaysia
 Which organization recently initiated the Silver Notice pilot project? -- Interpol
 Where was the Bharat Cleantech Manufacturing Platform launched? -- New Delhi