Daily Current Affairs
Daily Current Affairs for UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, NDA, CDS, Bank, Railway, Police and other upcoming Govt. exams. In this section we provide latest & updated Current Affairs in the following categories: Current News, News Crux, Oneliner Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs Quiz , Sports in News, State in News. All these sections’ news are important for Prelims & Mains stages of examinations like UPSC, State PSCs, SSC, Bank, NDA, CDS, Railway, Police, etc. and other similar Central and State govt. exams.
What is the focus of the Quad Foreign Ministers' statement? -- Indo-Pacific |
Which organization simplified the online profile update process? -- EPFO |
Which company launched an Internet Governance Internship Program? -- National Internet Exchange of India |
Which country won both titles at the inaugural Kho Kho World Cup? -- India |
Which institution forecasted India’s growth at 6.7% for FY26 and FY27? -- World Bank |
Where was a lavish bath complex unearthed? -- Pompeii |