Gandhi Peace Prize

  • 23 Mar 2021

  • The Gandhi Peace Prize for the past two years ( 2019 and 2020) will be conferred on late Omani Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said and Bangladeshi leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman respectively.
  • Late Sultan Qaboos is being recognised for his “unparalleled vision and leadership” in strengthening India-Oman relations and his efforts to promote peace and non-violence in the Gulf.
  • Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is being recognized for his “immense and unparalleled contribution” in “inspiring the liberation of Bangladesh, bringing stability to a nation born out of strife, laying the foundation for the close and fraternal relations between India and Bangladesh, and promoting peace and non-violence in the Indian subcontinent”.

About the Prize

  • The prize is given annually by the Govt. of India for social, economic and political transformation through non-violence and other Gandhian methods.
  • A jury consisting of the Prime Minister of India, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, the Chief Justice of India, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and one other eminent person decides the awardee each year.
  • Note: A special exception was made for the award to be conferred on the two leaders for the year 2019 and 2020, as the selection procedure for the prize does not allow it to be awarded posthumously.