Academic Freedom Report

  • 09 Oct 2024

In October 2024, the “Free to Think 2024” report by Scholars at Risk (SAR) shows a significant drop in India’s academic freedom, from 0.6 points in 2013 to 0.2 points in 2023, ranking India as “completely restricted” for the first time since the mid-1940s.

Key Points

  • Government Influence in Universities: The ruling government efforts to impose political control and promote a Hindu nationalist agenda in higher education were highlighted as major factors affecting academic freedom in India.
  • Restrictions on Student Protests: Universities like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and South Asian University (SAU) implemented policies limiting student protests, which contributed to the curbing of academic expression.
  • State and Union Government Conflicts: Tensions between the Union government and several State governments, such as in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal, regarding control over higher education policies were highlighted as significant in the report.
  • Academic Resignations and Censorship: The report mentioned academic resignations, such as that of Ashoka University’s Sabyasachi Das, and instances of censorship, including the denial of entry to U.K.-based professor Natasha Kaul and the cancellation of talks by prominent academics.