Initiative for Independent Palestinian State

  • 28 Sep 2024

On 27th September 2024, a coalition of European, Arab, and Muslim nations announced a new initiative aimed at bolstering support for an independent Palestinian state, amidst ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.

Key Points

  • Growing International Consensus: Norwegian Foreign Minister highlighted a shared understanding among Western and Global South nations on the necessity of establishing a Palestinian Authority and state, while addressing mutual security concerns for both Israelis and Palestinians.
  • Support at the UN General Assembly: Nearly 90 countries participated in a meeting during the UN General Assembly, co-chaired by Norway and Saudi Arabia, to launch the “Global Alliance for the Implementation of a Palestinian State and a Two-State Solution.”
  • Building on Historical Initiatives: This new effort builds on the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative but is adapted to current realities.
  • The initiative seeks to strengthen Palestinian institutions and push for universal recognition of a Palestinian state despite ongoing challenges, such as illegal settlements.
  • Call for Collective Responsibility: Saudi Foreign Minister emphasized the need for immediate action to change the realities of the conflict.