Sustainable Pheromone Dispenser

  • 21 Sep 2024

In September 2024, scientists from JNCASR and ICAR–NBAIR have developed a sustainable pheromone dispenser with controlled release, potentially reducing pest control costs for farmers.

Key Points

  • Innovation in Pest Control: The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) in Bengaluru and ICAR–National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (ICAR–NBAIR) have created a pheromone dispenser with a controlled release rate. This innovation aims to significantly lower the costs of pest management.
  • Know-how License Agreement: To bring this technology to farmers on a larger scale, JNCASR and ICAR–NBAIR signed a Know-how license pact with Krishi Vikas Sahakari Samiti Ltd. (KVSSL) in Haryana, ensuring the innovation can reach agricultural fields quickly.
  • Scaling Up for Farmers' Benefit: The controlled release technology will help expand production and application across the country and potentially at a global scale.
  • Existing Market and Drawbacks: While pheromone dispensers using polymer membranes or polypropylene tubes are already available, their main limitation is the inconsistent rate of pheromone release into the environment. The new innovation seeks to address this issue by providing a more stable release mechanism.