Debt Securities Issuance

  • 20 Sep 2024

On 19th September 2024, markets regulator SEBI revised its rules to expedite the public issuance process of debt securities, facilitating quicker access to funding for issuers.

  • The revised regulations reduce the public comment period on draft offer documents from seven working days to just one day for issuers with listed specified securities.
  • For issuers without listed securities, the comment period has been shortened to five days, streamlining the approval process.
  • Issuers must now post their draft offer documents on recognized stock exchanges for one day immediately after filing.
  • The minimum subscription period for public issues has been decreased from three working days to two working days, enhancing efficiency.
  • In case of any revisions to the price band or yield, the bidding period can now be extended by one working day instead of three.
  • SEBI has also granted issuers the discretion to advertise public issues electronically, while still requiring a window advertisement in newspapers that includes a QR code linking to the full details.
  • Disclosure requirements for non-convertible securities have been simplified, eliminating the need for promoters to disclose their PAN and personal addresses in offer documents.