Integrated Ocean Energy Atlas

  • 18 Sep 2024

On 13th September, 2024, the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) launched the ‘Integrated Ocean Energy Atlas,’ showcasing the vast potential of marine energy resources within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Key Points

  • Atlas Overview: The Atlas highlights ocean energy sources like solar, wind, wave, tide, and currents across India’s EEZ.
  • Purpose and Utility: It identifies areas with high energy generation potential, serving as a reference for policymakers, industries, and researchers.
  • Energy Estimates: INCOIS estimates around 9.2 lakh TWh of integrated ocean energy per year in India’s EEZ.
  • Mapping Methodology: Annual, monthly, and daily energy estimates are available through a WebGIS interface at a 5 km grid resolution.
  • Future Collaborations: INCOIS plans to collaborate with industrial partners and public sector companies to develop marine energy projects in high-energy zones.