Reservoirs Across India Show Better Water Storage

  • 17 Sep 2024

According to the latest weekly reservoir and river basin data from Central Water Commission, since July 2, 2024, the southwest monsoon has covered the entire country, bringing steady rainfall to most regions.

  • As of September 12, 2024, the country had received 836.7 mm of rain, marking an 8% surplus for the season.

Key Points

  • Reservoir Storage Overview: India's reservoirs are performing better than last year, with 85% of the total live storage capacity filled, holding 153.757 BCM of water. This surpasses both last year’s 119.451 BCM and the 10-year average of 130.594 BCM.
  • North: Reservoirs in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Rajasthan hold 13.468 BCM, which is 68% of their live storage capacity. This is lower than last year's 81% and below the 10-year average of 82%.
  • East: Reservoirs in Assam, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Bihar have 76% of live storage filled, a rise from last year’s 58%.
  • West: Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa's reservoirs are 90% full, up from last year’s 75%. Gujarat, in particular, has experienced heavy rains, even in the typically arid Kutch region.
  • Central: Reservoirs in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh are at 89% capacity, an increase from 76% last year and above the 10-year average of 77%, aided by consistent rainfall since June.
  • South: Reservoirs in southern India are 88% full, a significant rise from last year’s 49% and the 10-year average of 65%.
  • River Basin-Wise Storage: Major River basins, including the Krishna, Cauvery, Narmada, and Godavari, show strong storage levels between 85% and 98% capacity, while the Brahmaputra basin lags at 66.93%.
  • Improved Storage Compared to 2023: States like Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar, Maharashtra, and Gujarat have seen improved reservoir levels compared to last year, though Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Uttarakhand have reported worse storage conditions.