Cleanliness Target Units

  • 14 Sep 2024

On 13th September, 2024, Union Minster announced that the Centre will undertake the task of transforming two lakh very difficult and dirty spots across the country as part of its flagship Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM).

Key Points

  • Identification of Cleanliness Target Units: Two lakh challenging spots, known as Cleanliness Target Units (CTUs), will be identified and mapped through a dedicated portal.
  • Scope of the Campaign: The campaign will include mega cleanliness drives at tourist locations, public buildings, commercial areas, community toilets, public toilets, water bodies, zoos, and sanctuaries through collective action.
    Current Progress: To date, 8,500 spots have already been identified, and Central Public Sector Units (PSUs), industry partners, and NGOs are encouraged to adopt these CTUs.
  • Campaign Timeline: The cleanliness drive will be conducted under the Swachh Bharat Mission from September 17 to October 2, with a focus on improving working conditions for cleanliness workers.
  • SBM Achievements and Goals: Launched on October 2, 2014, SBM has remediated 427 dumpsites with nine crore metric tons of waste and reclaimed 4,500 acres of land, with a goal of transitioning to 100% garbage processing at home.