Western Ghats Host 337 Butterfly Species

  • 09 Sep 2024

In September 2024, a new study highlights that the Western Ghats are home to 337 butterfly species, with Kerala boasting the highest number, while the diversity diminishes as one moves northward.

Key Points

  • Species Distribution: The Western Ghats feature 337 butterfly species: Kerala has 328, Tamil Nadu 326, and Karnataka 317. The southern regions exhibit the highest species diversity, which decreases moving northward.
  • Butterfly Families: The study categorizes species into various families: Papilionidae (19), Pieridae (34), Nymphalidae (100), Riodinidae (2), Lycaenidae (99), and Hesperiidae (83).
  • Endemic and Protected Species: Of the 40 strictly endemic species, only 22 are listed on the IUCN Red List, with two classified as ‘near threatened’ and the rest as ‘least concern.’ Approximately 71 species (21%) are protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act.
  • Conservation Discrepancies: Some strictly endemic and rare species are not protected under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, and certain common species are on the IUCN Red List despite being less threatened.
  • Diversity Across Regions: The southern and central Western Ghats have the highest butterfly diversity, each with 324 species, while the northern region has only 255 species.