IISc Researchers Develop Light-Powered Supercapacitor

  • 07 Sep 2024

In September 2024, Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, in collaboration with international partners, have developed a new supercapacitor that can be charged by exposure to light. This innovation could power devices like streetlights and sensors.

Key Points

  • Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage: Supercapacitors are upgraded versions of traditional capacitors, using electrochemical processes to store more energy.
  • The new supercapacitor uses Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanorods on transparent Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO) electrodes for superior performance.
  • Photo-Rechargeable Properties: The supercapacitor charges when light falls on the optically active ZnO nanorods, with ultraviolet (UV) light significantly boosting its capacitance, far surpassing previous designs.
  • Novel Capacitor Behaviors: Two unusual properties were observed: the capacitance increased with voltage under light (a "necking behavior") and energy storage improved during fast charging under UV light, challenging typical supercapacitor behavior.
  • Applications and Future Research: These findings could lead to the development of fast-charging, energy-dense supercapacitors. Potential applications include replacing solar cells in streetlights and powering microchips in electronic devices.