Indian Merchandise Exports

  • 06 Sep 2024

In September 2024, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Goods Trade Barometer indicated a possible upturn in global trade volumes, offering hope for improved Indian exports, despite ongoing uncertainties.

Key Points

  • Global Trade Recovery: The WTO Goods Trade Barometer hit 103, suggesting global trade volume is picking up in the third quarter of 2024.
  • Indian Export Struggles: India's merchandise exports fell by 3.1% in FY24, with sectors like textiles, leather, and gems facing significant declines due to weak Western demand.
  • Weak European Demand: Europe’s underperformance in trade is offset by stronger growth in other regions, but inflation concerns persist, complicating economic recovery.
  • Surge in Shipping and Air Freight: Container shipping and air freight have surged due to disruptions from the Red Sea crisis, increasing the demand for longer shipping routes and air transport for critical goods.
  • Mixed Signals in Trade Components: While automotive products, shipping, and freight indices remain above trend, electronic components and new export orders are declining, signaling potential future challenges.