India Now World’s Largest Plastic Polluter

  • 05 Sep 2024

India is now the top contributor to global plastic waste, releasing 9.3 million tonnes annually, according to a new study that suggests the true figure may be higher.

Key Points

  • India's Plastic Waste Generation: India’s plastic waste can fill the area of 604 Taj Mahals and is three times higher than the next biggest polluters like Nigeria, Indonesia, China, and Pakistan.
  • AI-Powered Study Findings: Researchers from the University of Leeds used AI to map plastic waste worldwide, revealing that India accounts for 20% of global plastic pollution.
  • Comparison with China: While China has implemented controlled waste disposal, India's uncontrolled dumpsites outnumber sanitary landfills by a ratio of 10:1.
  • Underestimated Waste Statistics: India’s official statistics may not include rural areas, open burning, or informal recycling, leading to an underestimation of plastic waste generation by 4 to 7 times.
  • Open Burning and Waste Emissions: Nearly 53% of India’s plastic waste emissions come from uncollected waste affecting 255 million people, with six million tonnes burned each year.
  • Global Plastic Pollution Crisis: This study highlights the need for global intervention to tackle plastic pollution and will serve as a baseline for policy at the upcoming UN conference on plastic pollution in November.
  • Efforts and Challenges in India: Despite a ban on single-use plastics, enforcement remains weak, and visible change is minimal.