India and South Africa Strengthen Submarine Rescue Cooperation

  • 05 Sep 2024

On 4th September, 2024, India and South Africa have signed an agreement to enhance submarine rescue support, marking a key step in maritime safety collaboration.

Key Points:

  • Submarine Rescue Agreement Signed: Indian Navy Chief Admiral and Vice Admiral Chief of the South African Navy, signed the agreement, ensuring India’s assistance during submarine emergencies.
  • Indian Navy’s DSRV Support: The Indian Navy will deploy its Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) to assist the South African Navy in case of a submarine accident, further cementing ties between the two nations.
  • Maritime Partnership: The agreement emphasizes a shared commitment to maritime safety, reinforcing long-standing cooperation between India and South Africa.
  • Previous Incident: The agreement follows a tragic incident in 2023 where three South African Navy personnel were killed in an accident involving the SAS Manthatisi, one of South Africa’s three submarines.
  • India’s DSRV Capabilities: Operational since 2018, India’s DSRVs, capable of reaching depths of 650 meters and rescuing 14 people at a time, offer critical support during submarine emergencies. The system is easily transportable by air, sea, or road.
  • Regional Assistance: India has previously offered its submarine rescue capabilities to other nations in the Indian Ocean Region, including a notable mission in 2021 to locate a missing Indonesian submarine.