Water Security Risks in Key River Basins

  • 04 Sep 2024

A new study published reveals that the Ganges, Indus, and Brahmaputra basins exhibit the lowest levels of governance and environmental performance, heightening water security risks in these regions.

Key Points

  • India's Governance and Environmental Performance: India ranks moderately in governance but poorly in environmental performance, contributing to high water security hazards.
  • High-Risk Basins: The Krishna, Ganges, and Indus basins are particularly vulnerable due to their reliance on moisture from regions with low to medium governance and environmental standards.
  • Upwind Perspective: The study introduces the concept of a "precipitationshed," emphasizing the importance of moisture sources upwind, were evaporated water influences rainfall in downwind regions.
  • Water Security Challenges: Evaporation loss in upwind areas can lead to reduced precipitation, affecting agriculture, hydropower, and water availability in downstream regions.
  • Global Implications: The study notes that in African and Middle Eastern countries, water security hazards are primarily due to poor governance, while in Asia, environmental performance is the critical factor.
  • Need for Hydro-Cooperation: Researchers highlight the interconnectedness of water resources between countries, urging for improved hydro-cooperation to ensure regional water security.