Gender Equity Policy, 2024

  • 02 Sep 2024

On 1st September, 2024, the Gujarat government launched the 'State Policy for Gender Equity-2024,' aiming to ensure inclusive development and empowerment for women and girls across the state.

  • The reformulated policy seeks to create an enabling environment that promotes just and equal opportunities for women and girls, eliminating gender discrimination and fostering inclusive development.
  • Originally implemented in 2006 as 'Naari Gaurav Niti' under then-Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the policy has been revised to address evolving socio-economic conditions and new legal frameworks.
  • The updated policy integrates eight focus areas, including education, sports, protection against violence, health, nutrition, and the impact of climate change, among others.
  • Each government department has been tasked with specific responsibilities to ensure the policy's effective implementation within set timelines.
  • The policy emphasizes equal rights and opportunities for women in all state development activities and seeks to establish a system based on equality and uniformity.
  • New monitoring indicators include reducing maternal mortality rates, improving the sex ratio at birth, and increasing female employment rates, reflecting the policy's commitment to measurable progress.
  • Gender equality considerations are now mandatory in the formulation of new government schemes, with a focus on aligning budget allocations and benefits distribution with gender balance goals.