Blue Button Jellyfish Swarm Mumbai's Girgaon Chowpatty

  • 31 Aug 2024

Recently, beachgoers at Girgaon Chowpatty in Mumbai once again encountered blue button jellyfish, sparking questions about the environmental factors driving their increasing presence.

Key Points

  • Environmental Factors behind Jellyfish Blooms Blue button jellyfish (Porpita Porpita) are appearing more frequently along shorelines due to a combination of environmental conditions, including rising sea temperatures, changes in ocean currents, and increased nutrient availability.
  • Impact of Coastal Urbanisation and Pollution: The urbanisation of coastlines and increased pollution contribute to jellyfish proliferation. Coastal structures like piers can trap jellyfish near shorelines, while urban runoff and sewage discharge elevate nutrient levels in coastal waters, leading to plankton blooms—the primary food source for jellyfish.
  • Climate Change and Overfishing: Human-induced climate change is warming oceans, a significant driver of jellyfish blooms. Additionally, overfishing has depleted natural predators of jellyfish, like certain fish species and sea turtles, further contributing to their population growth.
  • Strategies to Manage Jellyfish Blooms: Educating beachgoers about jellyfish risks, regularly monitoring jellyfish populations, reducing coastal pollution, and promoting sustainable fishing practices are essential to mitigating the risks associated with jellyfish blooms.