Vigyan Dhara and Biotechnology Initiatives

  • 26 Aug 2024

On 24th August, 2024, the Union Cabinet approved two major science initiatives aimed at enhancing research capabilities and addressing critical challenges in clean energy and biotechnology.

Key Points:

  • Vigyan Dhara Initiative: The Centre has merged several existing Department of Science and Technology (DST) schemes into a new program called Vigyan Dhara, aimed at improving fund utilization and efficiency.
  • Components of Vigyan Dhara: The initiative includes three main components:
    • Human and institutional capacity building
    • Research and development, innovation, and technology development
    • Deployment
  • Flexibility and Efficiency: Vigyan Dhara provides DST with the flexibility to reallocate funds and avoid duplication of efforts, optimizing the impact of existing programs.
  • Biotechnology Initiative: The new biotechnology initiative focuses on six thematic areas:
    • Bio-Chemicals and Bio-Polymers: Targeting industrial, consumer, and scientific applications.
    • Smart Proteins and Functional Foods: Aiming to support food security by developing foods that complement land-based production.
    • Bio-Therapeutics: Promoting targeted therapies for genetic conditions and cancers.
    • Agriculture: Developing bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides to enhance agricultural resilience and reduce chemical use.
    • Bio-Fuels and Bio-Chemicals: Creating products from captured carbon emissions to support a circular economy.
    • Marine and Space Applications: Focusing on products derived from marine ecosystems.