Garudakshi Offence Management System

  • 26 Aug 2024

The Forest Department is set to roll out Garudakshi, a cloud-based Forest Offence Information Management System, in the next three to four months, aiming to streamline and strengthen the handling of forest offence cases.

  • Garudakshi will guide forest and investigating officers through every step of managing forest offences, from filing FIRs to applying relevant sections of forest and wildlife protection laws.
  • The software aims to improve the conviction rate in forest offence cases by ensuring a thorough and standardized approach to evidence collection and case management.
  • Continuity of case management will be maintained even after the transfer of the officer who originally filed the case, addressing a major challenge in the current system.
  • Garudakshi is being developed in collaboration with the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) and under the supervision of the Forest Department's Information and Communication Technology Centre (ICT).
  • The software will operate through two modules: one for handling legacy cases and another for addressing new cases as they arise.
  • Over 90,000 legacy cases, including those related to encroachment, poaching, timber, and other wildlife offences, have already been digitized in Garudakshi to ensure continuous follow-up and monitoring.
  • Pilot testing of the software is currently underway in the Belagavi and Shivamogga forest divisions, with a full rollout planned after training officials in the coming months.