Northern Hemisphere Cheetahs

  • 26 Aug 2024

The National Tiger Conservation Authority is prioritizing cheetah sourcing from Northern Hemisphere countries to ensure better adaptation to Indian climatic conditions.

  • Cheetahs from Southern Hemisphere countries like South Africa and Namibia developed thick winter coats during the Indian summer, leading to complications and deaths in some animals.
  • Three cheetahs, including a Namibian female and two South African males, died from maggot-infested wounds beneath their winter coats, causing blood infections.
  • The biorhythm differences between the hemispheres are believed to cause these animals to anticipate the African winter, leading to inappropriate pelage changes in India.
  • Officials are considering sourcing new cheetahs from Northern Hemisphere countries such as Somalia, Tanzania, and Sudan to prevent further biorhythm-related issues.
  • The current focus remains on immediate challenges, including prey base augmentation, managing the leopard population, and preparing the Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • The steering committee has decided to release African cheetahs and their cubs, born in India, into the wild in a phased manner after the monsoon season ends in central India.