Namo Drone Didi

  • 26 Aug 2024

On 24th August, 2024, Delhi Lieutenant Governor launched a new initiative to train 200 women as drone pilots, promoting women's empowerment through technology.

  • The ‘Namo Drone Didi’ scheme will train 200 women in Delhi to become certified drone pilots, with events held in Singhola and Badu Sarai.
  • Each trainee will receive Rs 25,000 worth of training, funded through Corporate Social Responsibility contributions.
  • Trainees will have the chance to secure jobs or start their own businesses, with potential roles including surveys, event photography, and agricultural applications.
  • Each trained participant will receive a drone, which can be used or rented out for various purposes.
  • This initiative is part of a broader effort to empower rural women across India through drone technology.