Amendments to Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2020

  • 08 Jul 2024

The amendment to the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020, concerning Nutritional Information Labelling, was approved during the 44th meeting of the Food Authority, chaired by FSSAI Chairperson, Apurva Chandra.

Key Points

  • FSSAI has approved a proposal to prominently display nutritional information, specifically Total Sugar, Salt, and Saturated Fat, in bold letters and larger font size on labels of packaged food items.
  • Along with empowering consumers to make healthier choices, the amendment would also contribute towards efforts to combat the rise of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and promote public health and well-being.


  • The FSSAI was established in 2008 under the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India.
  • It was established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
  • The Chairperson of FSSAI is in the rank of Secretary to Government of India.