64th ISO Council Meet

  • 25 Jun 2024

India is hosting 64th ISO council meet, global event in the sugar sector, from June 25 to 27, 2024, in New Delhi.

  • Delegates from over 30 countries, along with representatives from various international organizations, will convene to discuss critical issues related to the sugar and biofuel sectors.

Key Points

  • India is the world’s largest consumer and the second-largest producer of sugar.
  • India has been nominated by the ISO Council to chair the organization for 2024.

International Sugar Organisation (ISO)

  • The International Sugar Organisation (ISO), a UN-affiliated body headquartered in London, has about 85 member countries covering nearly 90% of global sugar production.
  • The ISO aims to bring together major sugar-producing, consuming, and trading nations to foster mutual understanding and progressive approaches to issues in the sugar sector.
  • The organization also focuses on biofuels, particularly ethanol, as sugarcane is the second major feedstock for ethanol production globally.