Indian External Affairs Minister Visit to Sri Lanka

  • 21 Jun 2024

On June 20th, 2024, Indian External Affairs Minister (EAM) visited Sri Lanka after being re-appointed in the Cabinet.

Key Points

  • Indian External Affairs Minister (EAM) Dr. Shankar Jaishankar and Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe formally commission Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, built with a USD 6 million grant from India in Sri Lanka.
  • This includes a center at Navy Headquarters in Colombo, a sub-centre in Hambantota and unmanned installations at Galle, Arugambay, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Kallarawa, Point Pedro and Mollikulam.
  • The EAM of India and President of Sri Lanka discussed the way forward for India-Sri Lanka cooperation, especially in power, energy, connectivity, port infrastructure, aviation, digital, health, food security, education and tourism sectors.
  • The EAM also joined President Wickremesinghe in virtually handing over 48 houses, 24 each in Colombo and Trincomalee, built under the Model Village Housing Project and 106 houses in three up-country estates, built under Phase III of the Indian Housing Project, with funding from India.