Indian Government Forms Committee to Combat Transnational Cybercrimes

  • 23 May 2024

On 16th May, 2024, the Indian government establishes an inter-ministerial committee to address the surge in transnational cybercrimes targeting Indians from Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia.

Key Points

  • Committee Formation: The Ministry of Home Affairs formed a committee comprising various law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
  • Committee Composition: Headed by the special secretary (internal security) in the MHA, it includes representatives from RBI, Department of Financial Services, banks, Financial Intelligence Unit, DoT, and financial technology companies.
  • Rise in Cybercrimes: Organized cybercrimes from Southeast Asian countries, particularly Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos PDR, have increased in terms of volume, victims, and monetary losses.
  • Financial Fraud Origin: 45% of cyber financial frauds in India originate from Southeast Asian countries, according to Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre’s CEO Rajesh Kumar.
  • Committee's Focus: The high-level committee aims to take focused action against cybercrimes originating from Southeast Asia, given the higher monetary losses per crime.
  • I4C's Actions: The Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre is actively monitoring and blocking cybercrime infrastructure, including Skype accounts, Google and Meta ads, SMS headers, SIM cards, and bank accounts.
  • Enforcement Measures: Over the past months, significant enforcement actions have been taken, including freezing 3.25 lakh "mule" accounts, blocking URLs and mobile apps, suspending SIM cards and IMEI numbers, and taking down unlawful content on social media platforms.