Great Pyramid of Giza

  • 18 May 2024

In May, 2024, Geomorphologist Eman Ghoneim and her team discovered a long-lost ancient branch of the Nile near the Great Pyramid of Giza.

  • The discovery sheds light on why the pyramids were built in such an arid location and how materials were transported during construction.
  • The ancient river channel, named Ahramat, once ran through the foothills beside the pyramid field but is now buried beneath the desert.
  • Satellite images and sediment samples revealed the former course of the Nile, indicating a lush, marshy habitat in the past.
  • The research suggests that tectonic plate movements, windblown sand, and severe drought in the Late Holocene contributed to the river's disappearance.
  • Understanding ancient societies' adaptation to changing landscapes informs modern infrastructure development in the face of climate change.