Study Shows Climate Change Impact on Women and Children in Indian States

  • 14 May 2024

An internal study commissioned by the Ministry of Women and Child Development revealed the heightened vulnerability of women and children in Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Telangana to climate change-related disasters.

Key Points

  • Vulnerability to Climate Hazards: Women and children in several Indian states are particularly vulnerable to climate change-related disasters, leading to adverse health outcomes such as stunting, underweight, and early pregnancies.
  • Scope and Conduct of the Study: The study, examines the impact of floods, cyclones, and droughts on health indicators of women and children across various agro-ecological zones in India.
  • Identification of Hotspots: The study identifies hotspots in Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Telangana, where exposure to climate hazards significantly coexists with poor health variables among women and children.
  • Impact on Health Indicators: Children exposed to climate hazards are more likely to experience stunting, underweight, and reduced diet diversity, while women face risks of underweight, child marriage, teenage pregnancy, and intimate partner violence.
  • Data Analysis Methodology: The study utilizes spatio-temporal analysis of climate data spanning 50 years and statistical analysis of health data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) to identify climate change hotspots and assess health impacts.
  • Recommendations to Address Gaps: The study recommends the development of comprehensive heat action plans, generation of detailed district-wise temperature data, and the establishment of national-level data on climate vulnerability to better understand and address the impact on women and children.