UAE Introduces 10-Year Blue Residence Visa

  • 17 May 2024

On 15th May 2024, in a major step towards promoting sustainability, the UAE Cabinet has approved a 10-year Blue Residence visa for individuals making exceptional contributions to environmental protection.

  • The Blue Visa program offers 10-year residency to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding efforts in environmental protection across various fields such as marine life, ecosystems, air quality, sustainability technologies, and the circular economy.
  • This initiative supports the UAE’s Year of Sustainability (2023–2024) and the country’s broader commitment to environmental conservation.
  • Eligible individuals can apply for the Blue Visa through the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP), with relevant authorities also able to nominate candidates.
  • The Blue Visa provides long-term residency, opportunities for collaboration on environmental projects, access to funding and resources, and recognition for contributions to environmental sustainability.
  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid emphasized that the sustainability of the UAE’s economy is closely linked to environmental sustainability, highlighting the nation’s resolve to adopt advanced technologies and improve higher education systems in this area.